thesis.cls (23656B)
1 \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} 2 \ProvidesClass{thesis}[2021/01/01 Local class] 3 4 % Some colored output for ease of debugging 5 \directlua{tcolor=require("lib/terminal color")} 6 7 \RequirePackage{etoolbox} % Because we are in the third millennium 8 \RequirePackage{expl3} % For LaTeX3 code 9 \RequirePackage{luacode} % Handling of lua code inside tex files 10 \RequirePackage{pgffor} % For \foreach loop 11 \RequirePackage{xparse} % For modern \NewDocumentCommand, etc 12 \RequirePackage{xkeyval} % For handling class options 13 14 15 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 16 %%% Common Error Help Texts %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 17 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 18 19 \NewDocumentCommand\thesis@warning{m}{\directlua{tcolor.warning("\luatexluaescapestring{#1}")}} 20 21 \NewDocumentCommand\thesis@options@error{m}{ 22 \ClassError{thesis}{#1}{% 23 The options provided to the thesis class must explicitly contain one of `print'\MessageBreak 24 or `digital'. 25 }% 26 } 27 28 \NewDocumentCommand\thesis@patch@error{m m}{ 29 \csname #1Error\endcsname{thesis}{#2}{% 30 You're most likely seeing this error because of modifications to the latex\MessageBreak 31 ecosystem which are not compatible with the thesis code source. To ensure the\MessageBreak 32 code is compiled correctly, use the texlive 2021 distribution as described in\MessageBreak 33 the README. Another option is to adapt the \protect\patchcmd\space responsible for this\MessageBreak 34 error, although this might prove more time consuming. 35 }% 36 } 37 38 39 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 40 %%% Class Options %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 41 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 42 43 % print & digital 44 \newif\ifthesis@digital 45 \newif\ifthesis@print 46 \DeclareOptionX{digital}{\thesis@digitaltrue} 47 \DeclareOptionX{print}{\thesis@printtrue} 48 49 % debug 50 \newcount\thesis@debug 51 \thesis@debug=0 52 \DeclareOptionX{thesisdebug}{\thesis@debug=#1} 53 54 % lineno 55 \newif\ifthesis@lineno 56 \thesis@linenofalse 57 \DeclareOptionX{lineno}{\thesis@linenotrue} 58 59 % summary 60 \newif\ifthesissummary 61 \thesissummaryfalse 62 \DeclareOptionX{summary}{\thesissummarytrue} 63 64 \ProcessOptionsX\relax 65 66 % check print & digital consistency 67 \ifthesis@digital\ifthesis@print 68 \thesis@options@error{Can't enable both `digital' and `print' 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#5\strut\\% 697 \upshape\null\hfill% 698 \begin{minipage}[b]{#1}% 699 \vphantom{---}\llap{--- }% 700 \if\relax\detokenize{#2}\relax\else% 701 #2, % 702 \fi% 703 #3 (#4)\strut% 704 \end{minipage}% 705 }{} 706 707 \NewDocumentEnvironment{translatedepigraphcontent}{O{4cm} m m m m +b} 708 {% 709 \textcolor{black!30}{\bonum\fontsize{36pt}{36pt}\selectfont\raisebox{-16pt}[8pt][0pt]{``}}% 710 \itshape\,\ignorespaces #6\strut\\% 711 \upshape\textcolor{black!30}{\bonum\fontsize{36pt}{36pt}\selectfont\raisebox{-16pt}[8pt][0pt]{``}}% 712 \itshape\,\ignorespaces #5\strut\\% 713 \upshape\null\hfill% 714 \begin{minipage}[b]{#1}% 715 \vphantom{---}\llap{--- }% 716 \if\relax\detokenize{#2}\relax\else% 717 #2, % 718 \fi% 719 #3 (#4)\strut% 720 \end{minipage}% 721 }{} 722 723 \newlength{\thesis@epigraph@dash@width} 724 \settowidth{\thesis@epigraph@dash@width}{--- } 725 \NewDocumentEnvironment{epigraph}{O{4cm} m m m o o +b} 726 {% 727 \begin{marginparagraph}[#6]% 728 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