supervised metrics.tex (1248B)
1 \begin{tikzpicture}[braced/.style={decorate,decoration={brace,amplitude=2mm}}] 2 \path[fill=black!10] (1.6, 0) -- (2.4, 0) -- (2.4, 4) -- (1.6, 4) -- cycle; 3 4 \path[fill=Dark2-A!30] (0, 2) -- (4, 2) -- (4, 2.4) -- (0, 2.4) -- cycle; 5 \path[fill=Dark2-C!30] (0, 2) -- (4, 2) -- (4, 1.6) -- (0, 1.6) -- cycle; 6 7 \path[fill=Dark2-A] (2, 2) -- (2, 2.4) -- (1.6, 2.4) -- (1.6, 2) -- cycle; 8 \path[fill=Dark2-C] (2, 2) -- (2, 1.6) -- (2.4, 1.6) -- (2.4, 2) -- cycle; 9 10 \path[pattern=crosshatch dots, pattern color=Dark2-B] (2, 2.4) -- (2.4, 2.4) -- (2.4, 2) -- (1.6, 2) -- (1.6, 1.6) -- (2, 1.6) -- cycle; 11 12 \draw (0, 0) -- (4, 0) -- (4, 4) -- (0, 4) -- cycle; 13 14 \node[anchor=south west] (gt) at (4, 2) {\vphantom{\(\breve{r}\)}\(r\)}; 15 \node[anchor=north west] (gb) at (4, 2) {\(\breve{r}\)}; 16 \node[anchor=north east] (cl) at (2, 0) {\vphantom{\(\breve{r}\)}\(r\)}; 17 \node[anchor=north west] (cr) at (2, 0) {\(\breve{r}\)}; 18 \node[left=0mm of cl] {\(\cdots\)}; 19 \node[right=0mm of cr] {\(\cdots\)}; 20 \node[above=0mm of gt] {\(\vdots\)}; 21 \node[below=0mm of gb] {\(\vdots\)}; 22 23 \draw[braced] (0cm, 41mm) -- (4cm, 41mm) node[midway,above,yshift=2mm] {\(c\)}; 24 \draw[braced] (-1mm, 0) -- (-1mm, 4) node[midway,left,xshift=-2mm] {\(g\)}; 25 \end{tikzpicture}%