rellda plate.tex (1315B)
1 \kern1mm% 2 \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=5mm] 3 \node[pdiag observed, opacity=0] (ff) {\(\rndm{f}\)}; 4 \node[pdiag latent, above=of ff] (r) {\(\rndm{r}_i\)}; 5 \node (fdots) {\(\cdots\)}; 6 \node[pdiag observed, left=1mm of ff] (f1) {\(\rndm{f}_{ij}\)}; 7 \node[pdiag observed, right=1mm of ff] (f2) {\(\rndm{f}_{ik}\)}; 8 \draw[arrow] (r) -- (f1); 9 \draw[arrow] (r) -- (f2); 10 11 \coordinate (p1lspace) at ($(f2.south) + (0,-2mm)$); 12 \node[pdiag plate, inner sep=2.5mm, fit=(r) (f1) (f2) (p1lspace)] (p1) {}; 13 14 \node[pdiag latent, above=of r] (theta) {\(\rndm{\theta}_d\)}; 15 \coordinate (p2lspace) at ($(p1.south) + (0,-5mm)$); 16 \node[pdiag plate, fit=(p1) (theta) (p2lspace)] (p2) {}; 17 \draw[arrow] (theta) -- (r); 18 19 \node[pdiag latent, right=12mm of theta] (alpha) {\(\alpha\)}; 20 \draw[arrow] (alpha) -- (theta); 21 22 \node[pdiag latent, left=15mm of ff] (phi) {\(\rndm{\phi}_{rj}\)}; 23 \coordinate (p3lspace) at ($(phi.south) + (0,-2mm)$); 24 \node[pdiag plate, inner sep=2.5mm, fit=(phi) (p3lspace)] (p3) {}; 25 \draw[arrow] (phi) -- (f1); 26 27 \node[pdiag latent, above=of phi] (beta) {\(\beta\)}; 28 \draw[arrow] (beta) -- (phi); 29 30 \node[anchor=south east] at (p1.south east) {\(n_d\)}; 31 \node[anchor=south east] at (p2.south east) {\(D\)}; 32 \node[anchor=south east] at (p3.south east) {\(|\relationSet|\)}; 33 \end{tikzpicture}