The LaTeX sources of my Ph.D. thesis
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chebyshev.tex (602B)

      1 \begin{tikzpicture}[chebyshev/.style={domain=-1:1, samples=500}]
      2 	\begin{axis}[
      3 		modern,
      4 		width=50mm,
      5 		legend entries={\(T_0\), \(T_1\), \(T_2\), \(T_3\), \(T_4\)},
      6 		legend columns=3,
      7 		legend style={
      8 			at={(0.5,-0.3)},
      9 			anchor=north,
     10 			draw=none}]
     11 	\addplot[Dark2-A, solid,                 chebyshev] {1};
     12 	\addplot[Dark2-B, dotted,                chebyshev] {x};
     13 	\addplot[Dark2-C, dashed,                chebyshev] {2*x^2-1};
     14 	\addplot[Dark2-D, dashdotted,            chebyshev] {4*x^3-3*x};
     15 	\addplot[Dark2-E, loosely dashdotdotted, chebyshev] {8*x^4-8*x^2+1};
     16 \end{axis}
     17 \end{tikzpicture}