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Weisfeiler-Leman.tex (904B)

      1 \begin{algorithmic}
      2 	\Function{Weisfeiler--Leman}{}
      3 		\FunctionInputs{}  \(G=(V, E)\) graph
      4 		\FunctionInputs*{} \(k\) dimensionality
      5 		\FunctionOutput{}  \(\chi_\infty\) coloring of \(k\)-tuples
      6 		\State
      7 		\LComment{Initialization}
      8 		\State \(\ell\gets 0\)
      9 		\ForAll{\(\vctr{x}\in V^k\)}
     10 			\State \(\chi_0(\vctr{x}) \gets \operatorname{iso}(\vctr{x})\)
     11 		\EndFor
     12 		\LComment{Main Loop}
     13 		\Repeat
     14 			\State \(\ell\gets \ell+1\)
     15 			\State \(\symfrak{I}_\ell\gets \text{new color index}\)
     16 			\ForAll{\(\vctr{x}\in V^k\)}
     17 				\State \(c_\ell(\vctr{x}) \gets \lMultiBrace\,\chi_{\ell-1}(\vctr{y}) \middlerel{|} \vctr{y}\in\gfneighbors^k(\vctr{x})\,\rMultiBrace\)
     18 				\State \(\chi_\ell(\vctr{x}) \gets \text{index of }(\chi_{\ell-1}(\vctr{x}), c_\ell(\vctr{x})) \text{ in } \symfrak{I}_\ell\)
     19 			\EndFor
     20 		\Until{\(\chi_\ell = \chi_{\ell-1}\)}
     21 		\State \Output \(\chi_\ell\)
     22 	\EndFunction
     23 \end{algorithmic}