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abbreviations.tex (4600B)

      1 \chapter{List of Abbreviations}
      2 \begin{longtable}[l]{@{}l l@{}}
      3 	\textsc{ace}   & Automatic Content Extraction (Section~\ref{sec:datasets:ace}) \\
      4 	\textsc{acl}   & Association for Computational Linguistics \\
      5 	\textsc{ari}   & Adjusted Rand Index (Section~\ref{sec:relation extraction:clustering}) \\
      6 	\textsc{bert}  & Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (Section~\ref{sec:context:transformers}) \\
      7 	\textsc{bpe}   & Byte-Pair Encoding (Section~\ref{sec:context:bpe}) \\
      8 	\textsc{bpr}   & Bayesian Personalized Ranking (Section~\ref{sec:relation extraction:universal schemas}) \\
      9 	\textsc{cnn}   & Convolutional Neural Network (Section~\ref{sec:context:cnn}) \\
     10 	\textsc{dae}   & Denoising AutoEncoder (Section~\ref{sec:relation extraction:selfore}) \\
     11 	\textsc{darpa} & Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Section~\ref{sec:datasets:muc}) \\
     12 	\textsc{dec}   & Deep Embedded Clustering (Section~\ref{sec:relation extraction:selfore}) \\
     13 	\textsc{dipre} & Dual Iterative Pattern Relation Expansion (Section~\ref{sec:relation extraction:dipre}) \\
     14 	\textsc{dirt}  & Discovery of Inference Rules from Text (Section~\ref{sec:relation extraction:dirt}) \\
     15 	\textsc{elbo}  & Evidence Lower BOund (Section~\ref{sec:relation extraction:vae}) \\
     16 	\textsc{elm}o  & Embeddings from Language Model (Section~\ref{sec:context:elmo}) \\
     17 	\textsc{epgnn} & Entity Pair Graph Neural Network (Section~\ref{sec:relation extraction:epgnn}) \\
     18 	\textsc{fb}    & FreeBase (Section~\ref{sec:datasets:freebase}) \\
     19 	\textsc{gat}   & Graph ATtention network (Section~\ref{sec:graph:spatial gcn}) \\
     20 	\textsc{gcn}   & Graph Convolutional Network (Section~\ref{sec:graph:related work}) \\
     21 	\textsc{gnn}   & Graph Neural Network (Section~\ref{sec:graph:related work}) \\
     22 	\textsc{gis}   & Generalized Iterative Scaling (Section~\ref{sec:relation extraction:hand-designed features}) \\
     23 	\textsc{gpe}   & Geo-Political Entity (Section~\ref{sec:relation extraction:hasegawa}) \\
     24 	\textsc{gru}   & Gated Recurrent Unit (Section~\ref{sec:context:lstm}) \\
     25 	\textsc{idf}   & Inverse Document Frequency (Section~\ref{sec:relation extraction:hasegawa}) \\
     26 	\textsc{jsd}   & Jensen--Shannon Divergence (Section~\ref{sec:fitb:variants}) \\
     27 	\textsc{lda}   & Latent Dirichlet Allocation (Section~\ref{sec:relation extraction:rellda}) \\
     28 	\textsc{lsa}   & Latent Semantic Analysis (Section~\ref{sec:context:word}) \\
     29 	\textsc{lsi}   & Latent Semantic Indexing (Section~\ref{sec:context:word}) \\
     30 	\textsc{lstm}  & Long Short-Term Memory (Section~\ref{sec:context:lstm}) \\
     31 	\textsc{miml}  & Multi-Instance Multi-Label (Section~\ref{sec:relation extraction:miml}) \\
     32 	\textsc{mlm}   & Masked Language Model (Section~\ref{sec:context:mlm}) \\
     33 	\textsc{mtb}   & Matching The Blanks (Sections~\ref{sec:relation extraction:mtb sentential} and~\ref{sec:relation extraction:mtb}) \\
     34 	\textsc{muc}   & Message Understanding Conference (Section~\ref{sec:datasets:muc}) \\
     35 	\textsc{nlp}   & Natural Language Processing (Sections~\ref{sec:context:word} and~\ref{sec:context:sentence}) \\
     36 	\textsc{nce}   & Noise Contrastive Estimation (Section~\ref{sec:context:nce}) \\
     37 	\textsc{ner}   & Named Entity Recognition (Chapter~\ref{chap:relation extraction}) \\
     38 	\textsc{nist}  & National Institute of Standards and Technology (Section~\ref{sec:datasets:ace}) \\
     39 	\textsc{nmt}   & Neural Machine Translation (Section~\ref{sec:context:attention}) \\
     40 	\textsc{nyt}   & New York Times (Section~\ref{sec:datasets:nyt}) \\
     41 	\textsc{oie}   & Open Information Extraction (Section~\ref{sec:relation extraction:oie}) \\
     42 	\textsc{pcnn}  & Piecewise Convolutional Neural Network (Section~\ref{sec:relation extraction:pcnn}) \\
     43 	\textsc{pmi}   & Pointwise Mutual Information (Section~\ref{sec:relation extraction:dirt}) \\
     44 	\textsc{pos}   & Part Of Speech (Figure~\ref{fig:relation extraction:dependency tree}) \\
     45 	\textsc{ri}    & Rand Index (Section~\ref{sec:relation extraction:clustering}) \\
     46 	\textsc{rnn}   & Recurrent Neural Network (Section~\ref{sec:context:rnn}) \\
     47 	\textsc{svm}   & Support Vector Machine (Section~\ref{sec:relation extraction:kernel}) \\
     48 	\textsc{sgns}  & Skip-Gram Negative Sampling (Section~\ref{sec:context:word2vec}) \\
     49 	\textsc{tf}    & Term Frequency (Section~\ref{sec:relation extraction:hasegawa}) \\
     50 	\textsc{vae}   & Variational AutoEncoder (Section~\ref{sec:relation extraction:vae}) \\
     51 	\textsc{wl}    & Weisfeiler--Leman isomorphism test (Section~\ref{sec:graph:weisfeiler-leman}) \\
     52 	\textsc{wmt}   & Workshop on statistical Machine Translation (Section~\ref{sec:context:history}) \\
     53 \end{longtable}