wikidata.tex (3269B)
1 \begin{tikzpicture}[braced/.style={decorate, decoration={brace, amplitude=5}}] 2 \node[anchor=south west] (title) at (0, 0) {\Large\bf Douglas Adams (\wdent{42})}; 3 \node[below=2mm of title.south west, right] (description) {English writer and humorist}; 4 \node[below=1mm of description.south west, right] (alias) {Douglas Noël Adams | Douglas Noel Adams}; 5 \node[below=3mm of alias.south west, right] (statementstitle) {\quad\large\bf Statements}; 6 \node[below=3mm of statementstitle.south west, right] (educated) {\quad \textsl{educated at} (\wdrel{69})}; 7 \node[below=1mm of educated.south west, right, xshift=10mm] (stjohn) {\(\bullet\) St John's College (\wdent{691283})}; 8 \node[inner sep=0, below=1mm of stjohn.south west, right, xshift=10mm] (start) {\textsl{start time} (\wdrel{580}) 1971}; 9 \node[inner sep=0, below=1.8mm of start.south west, right] (end) {\textsl{end time} (\wdrel{582}) 1974}; 10 \node[inner sep=0, below=1.8mm of end.south west, right] (major) {\textsl{academic major} (\wdrel{812}) English literature (\wdent{186579})}; 11 \node[inner sep=0, below=1.8mm of major.south west, right] (degree) {\textsl{academic degree} (\wdrel{512}) Bachelor of Arts (\wdent{1765120})\ \null}; 12 \node[below=2.5mm of degree.south west, right, xshift=-10mm] (brentwood) {\(\bullet\) Brentwood School (\wdent{4961791})}; 13 \node[inner sep=0, below=1mm of brentwood.south west, right, xshift=10mm] (start2) {\textsl{start time} (\wdrel{580}) 1959}; 14 \node[inner sep=0, below=1.8mm of start2.south west, right] (end2) {\textsl{end time} (\wdrel{582}) 1970}; 15 \node[below=5mm of end2.south west, right, xshift=-20mm] (work) {\quad\textsl{work location} (\wdrel{937})}; 16 \node[below=1mm of work.south west, right, xshift=10mm] (london) {\(\bullet\) London (\wdent{84})}; 17 \node[below=3mm of london.south west, right, xshift=-10mm] (dots) {\quad\dots}; 18 19 \node[right=5mm of brentwood] (object2) {\textcolor{Dark2-A}{object (``\(e_2\)'')}}; 20 \node[anchor=west] (subject) at (object2.west|-title) {\textcolor{Dark2-A}{subject (``\(e_1\)'')}}; 21 \node[anchor=west] (relation1) at (object2.west|-educated) {\textcolor{Dark2-A}{relation (``\(r\)'')}}; 22 \node[anchor=west] (object1) at (object2.west|-stjohn) {\textcolor{Dark2-A}{object (``\(e_2\)'')}}; 23 \node[anchor=west] (relation2) at (object2.west|-work) {\textcolor{Dark2-A}{relation (``\(r\)'')}}; 24 \node[anchor=west] (object3) at (object2.west|-london) {\textcolor{Dark2-A}{object (``\(e_2\)'')}}; 25 \draw[Dark2-A] (title) -- (subject); 26 \draw[Dark2-A] (educated) -- (relation1); 27 \draw[Dark2-A] (stjohn) -- (object1); 28 \draw[Dark2-A] (brentwood) -- (object2); 29 \draw[Dark2-A] (work) -- (relation2); 30 \draw[Dark2-A] (london) -- (object3); 31 32 \draw[braced, Dark2-B] (degree.south west) -- (start.north west) node[midway, left, xshift=-2mm] {\textcolor{Dark2-B}{qualifiers}}; 33 \draw[braced, Dark2-B] (end2.south west) -- (start2.north west) node[midway, left, xshift=-2mm] (qualifiers) {\textcolor{Dark2-B}{qualifiers}}; 34 35 \node[draw, inner sep=3mm, fit=(title) (degree) (dots)] {}; 36 37 \begin{pgfonlayer}{background} 38 \node[fill=black!10, inner sep=0mm, fit=(educated) (degree) (end2) (qualifiers)] {}; 39 \node[fill=black!10, inner sep=0mm, fit=(work) (work-|degree.east) (london)] {}; 40 \end{pgfonlayer} 41 \end{tikzpicture}